Beyond Manual Methods: How Companies Cope with AP Challenges (Part 3 of 12)
Skalable Marketing
Senior Content Marketing Manager

Beyond Manual Methods: How Companies Cope with AP Challenges (Part 3 of 12)

In the previous post of our invoice automation series, we delved into the common challenges companies face when processing Accounts Payable (AP) invoices manually. From the burden of paper-based processes to the lack of visibility and control, these challenges can hinder efficiency and productivity in AP departments. In this third installment, we’ll explore how companies attempt to manage their AP processes without automation and the limitations of these approaches.

  1. Drowning in Paper: Many companies still rely on paper-based processes for managing their AP invoices. Physical invoices are manually sorted, routed for approval, and filed, leading to a host of issues. Lost invoices, processing delays, and the risk of errors are just a few of the drawbacks associated with this method. The sheer volume of paper can be overwhelming, making it difficult for AP teams to keep up with the workload and maintain accuracy.
  2. Spreadsheets and Email Chaos: In an effort to bring some order to the chaos, some companies turn to spreadsheets and email for managing their AP processes. AP teams may use spreadsheets to track invoices and email to communicate with stakeholders and obtain approvals. While this method provides a slight improvement over paper-based processes, it still lacks the visibility, control, and efficiency needed to streamline AP operations effectively.
  3. The Illusion of Digitization: Partial digitization is another approach companies may take to manage their AP processes. By scanning invoices and storing them digitally, companies can reduce their reliance on paper. However, this method often still involves manual data entry and workflows, failing to address the core inefficiencies and risks associated with manual processing. The illusion of digitization may provide some benefits, but it falls short of the true potential of automation.
  4. Outsourcing: A Double-Edged Sword: Outsourcing the AP function to third-party service providers is another option companies consider. While outsourcing can help reduce costs and improve processing times, it comes with its own set of challenges. Companies may lose control over their AP processes, have limited visibility into the status of invoices, and face difficulties integrating outsourced services with their existing systems. Outsourcing may provide short-term relief but may not be a sustainable long-term solution.
  5. The Staffing Conundrum: To cope with the increasing volume of invoices and ensure timely processing, some companies resort to hiring additional AP staff. However, this approach can quickly become costly and may not scale effectively as the company grows. Adding more human resources to the equation does not address the fundamental inefficiencies of manual processes and can lead to inconsistencies and errors.
  6. The Pitfalls of Batch Processing: Batch processing is another method companies use to manage their AP workload. By processing invoices in weekly or monthly batches, AP teams attempt to streamline their efforts. However, this approach can result in delays in vendor payments, strained supplier relationships, and potential cash flow issues. Batch processing may provide temporary relief but fails to address the root causes of inefficiency in the AP process.

Conclusion: While companies employ various methods to manage their AP processes without automation, these approaches often fall short in delivering the efficiency, accuracy, and control needed to optimize AP operations. Manual processes, partial digitization, outsourcing, and batch processing may provide temporary solutions but fail to address the fundamental challenges of AP invoice management.

In the next post of our series, we’ll introduce you to the transformative power of AP automation and how it can revolutionize your invoice processing. Stay tuned as we explore the benefits and key features of automation that can help you overcome the limitations of manual methods and take your AP operations to the next level!

#InvoiceAutomation #AccountsPayable #ManualAPProcesses #AutomationBenefits #StreamlineAP

Skalable Marketing
Senior Content Marketing Manager

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Published March 17, 2024
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Skalable Marketing
Senior Content Marketing Manager

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